What is new in ES6?

ES6 or ECMAScript 6 is a new version of Javascript. It was released in 2015.
The ES6 comes up with the following features
  1. Const and let variable
  2. Arrow function
  3. Template literals
  4. Object Literals
  5. Rest and Spread operators
  6. Default parameter value
  7. Export and Import modules
  8. Classes
  9. Map and Set
  10. Array and Object Matching
  11. Array find and Findindex
  12. Number Methods - Number.isInteger(),Number.isSafeInteger()

Conts and Let Variables

ES6, as introduced new variable declaration const let
let is a block scoped, reassign the values and used with the block.
const can't reassign the value, it is an immutable variable.
